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Talent you need. When you need it. 

High Road Human Capital is a Veteran-owned, Diversity Supplier.  We are a boutique management consulting firm, specializing in Talent Acquisition and Human Resources.


If you find your business facing recruitment and/or HR challenges on a regular basis, but not enough to justify a full time dedicated resource, High Road is the solution!




Aggregate Client Metrics: 2019 to Date

Cost Per Hire
Hours Per Hire
Days Per Hire

High Road Talent Services

Think of us as a “talent tap” that you can turn off and on…
as needed, when needed.


If you find your business facing recruitment and/or HR challenges on a regular basis, but not enough to justify a full time dedicated resource, High Road Human Capital is the solution!


From simple resume screening and assessment to full HR policy and procedure, High Road has the resources, strategy and vision to get you to the finish line in a nimble, cost-effective way.

Recruitment Execution
Recruitment Execution

Talent Acquisition and Recruitment is at the core of High Road’s focus.  Employment branding and the candidate experience are never left to chance on any given initiative.


High Road can expertly guide and execute any and all activities within the  recruitment lifecycle on an “ as needed, when needed” basis.


Activities include, but are not limited to:


  • Job Postings

  • Resume Screening

  • Telephone/Skype Screening

  • Coordination of Client Interviews

  • Psychometric Testing

  • Offer Management

  • Reference Checking

  • Candidate Decline


**All activity is meticulously tracked using our unique, Activity Based Pricing model.**

Recruitment Execution Strategic
Recruitment Strategic

When you need to make a highly specialized hire, you know a job posting isn’t going to do it and all of the Staffing firms have quit or failed, stating “It’s just too niche”, High Road is THE solution.


Our highly successfully and cost effective, Strategic Recruitment Project approach may work for you.  Our model is research based using a combination of competitive market analysis, best-in-class “talent mapping & name generation” and good old fashioned headhunting.


You own every candidate name generated — every resume and every piece of market intelligence we gather!

Make one hire or ten from the results and only pay for our consultant’s activity.  100% of the work product is yours to keep.


Our research typically yields 40% more applicable candidate names with profiles (no, not everyone is on LinkedIn!) than

traditional staffing agencies and project costs average 75% less than staffing agency fees.


Regardless of industry, job level or title, if your candidates exists, we’ll find them ... or prove that they don’t!

Talent Acquisition
Talent Acquisition Consulting

Perhaps this sounds familiar…


Your company has reached critical mass and your candidate referral network has tapped out.   Using staffing agencies for the majority of your hires is simply unsustainable.  Your employee on-boarding program is non-existent and all of your hiring managers are interviewing “their way”  with mediocre results.  It’s time to get serious about corporate recruitment.


High Road Human Capital will build you a turnkey corporate recruitment program, leaving you with a synchronous and efficient talent acquisition program.


We’ll examine all of your needs; as well as your process, technology, tools and templates.  When the project is completed, you’ll be left with:


  • A defined recruitment process;

  • A fully branded and customized applicant tracking system (ATS);

  • Interview guides and screening templates;

  • A library of job postings and a strategic guide of how, where and when to post your jobs;

  • An on-boarding program built around your company culture and brand;

  • Training for all of the above!

HR Consulting
HR Consulting

Human Resources consulting is generally cost-prohibitive for most small-medium businesses.  Finding the right consultant(s) can be a significant drain on your budget and time.


As a result, critical HR policies, measurements and structures are neglected, undermining your most precious asset – your people — and addressed only when something goes wrong.  Now it’s REALLY going to cost you!

At High Road we don’t assign a HR Generalist.  We assign you an expert consultant, well versed in:


  • Employee On-Boarding & Retention;

  • Performance Management;

  • Total Rewards, Compensation & Benefits;

  • Collective Bargaining;

  • Training and Development;

  • Wellness and Health & Safety.


Not all of our clients require a full suite of our programs.  Sometimes you simply need an HR professional to answer a question or to be in the room with you for a difficult employee conservation.  High Road professionals can be on-call, as needed, when needed.  You pay only for our consultant’s time, hour by hour.


Lastly, perhaps a new government regulation or a valuable RFP requires you to have a particular corporate policy in place.  High Road would be happy to assist.  Here is a list of just some of our requested HR policies:​




  • Accessibility

  • Code of conduct

  • Compensation

  • Confidentiality

  • Contract workers and employment status

  • Discipline

  • Dress code

  • Employee expense policy

  • Employee non-solicitation

  • Harassment

  • Hiring:

    • Filling of temporarily vacant

    • Offer of employment

    • Probation

    • Employment of relatives

  • Holidays

  • Hours of work

  • Outside employment                                    

  • Overtime

  • Internet and e-mail use

  • Leaves:

    • Bereavement and compassionate

    • General leave 

    • Professional development and educational leave

    • Deployment Leave

    • Jury and witness duty

    • Maternity leave, parental 

    • Sick and personal leave

    • Time off to vote

  • Performance management

  • Professional development

  • Privacy Policy

  • Recognition and reward

  • Retirement

  • Substance use

  • Termination

  • Vacation

  • Whistle blower

  • Workplace diversity

Career Transition
Career Transition Services

In business, difficult decisions are made on a daily basis.  Terminating your employees is not fun and it’s never easy.  You want to support them the best way you can.  You want their exit from your organization to be as smooth as possible.  You’ve offered them a package, but does it include career transition support?


While traditional outplacement services have been available since the 1980’s, the typical offering isn’t meaningful, it’s not pragmatic, it’s ridiculously expensive and the majority of time — it simply doesn’t work.


At High Road, we don’t utilize career counselors to support your exiting employees.  We use only highly experience recruitment consultants.  Our consultants know all of the tips and tricks to get a candidates resume to the top of the pile and how to shine in interviews!  Their unique “other side of the table”  perspective makes all of the difference in helping a candidate transition to their next job.


Our program is comprised of 6, 1 hour sessions which include:


  • Career Needs Analysis;

  • Resume Consultation;

  • Professional Networking and Social Media Training;

  • Interview training and preparation.


Our program can be delivered in person or via phone/Skype and costs less than half of typical programs.


Which High Road works best for you?
Click on a question below to find YOUR High Road Solution!

As a business leader, you might be asking yourself one of these questions.  Click on the question to find the High Road solution!


Talent Acquisition:


  1. I need to make a strategic hire, but I hate the staffing agency experience, not to mention the cost! 

  2. We put up a job posting and now  have 100’s of resumes that need to be screened and I just don’t have the time to do it right. 

  3. We like doing the face-to-face interviews and making the offer, but we could use some help with the resume screening, coordination and phone screens. 

  4. All of the staffing agencies have failed or given up on finding our important hire.  What do I do now? 

  5. Keeping track of candidates via email or excel is becoming a nightmare.  Should I invest in an ATS (Applicant Tracking System)? 

  6. I need to write a job posting and I have no idea where to start, let alone where to post the job!

  7. We know the 5 companies we want our next hire to come from…if we could only get a list of great names, we could take it from there.

  8. I’m bleeding staffing agency fees.  Should I just hire a contract recruiter? 

  9. What’s an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) and why do I need this?


Human Resources:


  1. The government is demanding all kinds of policy and procedure for our business like, AODA.  We’re being threatened with fines. What do I do? 

  2. We need to terminate staff, but we don’t know the best way to go about this?

  3. We’ve just terminated staff and we want to extend career transition support (outplacement), but we’re told it doesn’t work and it’s very expensive...

  4. It’s time for our company to get serious about HR.  We need on-boarding, salary banding, performance management, etc., but we can’t afford to go to the Big Four. 



We know how important first impressions and referrals are. Here are just a few clients we're currently working with. 
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High Road Human Capital has strategic partnerships with several core Recruitment and HR service providers. 
We will manage 100% of the procurement, implementation and ongoing administration of these services for you, usually at a preferred rate. 
Any savings are passed directly on to you, our client. 
All costs are itemized on your consolidated monthly invoice, saving you time and money.
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The Accidental Occupation

Welcome to The Accidental Occupation, a social media forum for all things 'Talent' but mainly, for job givers and job seekers! This is our “give” to the talent community.


If you are a Talent Acquisition or Human Resources professional, there is something here for you!


If you’re a job seeker, you won’t find your next job here but you will find some helpful tips and tricks that will help you land that next great gig!


Regardless of who you are, we hope you will find some perspective, a few laughs and maybe even a little inspiration through this page and associated social media channels.


Find us, have a listen, follow us and subscribe to the podcast!


The Accidental Occupation 


by Rzrbck1971


"Fantastic! What a blatantly obvious topic that no one else had thought to express. I guess my doing this on Procurement Professionals would be too soon? Great job Jesse! The old man would be proud."

No Accident On How Refreshing This Series Is... 


by Adcelworx


A refreshing and candid podcast series that is very well put together and relevant at EVERY level while encouraging thought provoking consideration....what a way to get the dialog going, keep up the great work Jesse!!

Scintillating back and forth banter... 


by TheGideon


To begin, this series of what I would say is scintillating back and forth banter is a breath of fresh air. 
Everything from the title (just a wonderful name & visual BTW) to the engaging & thought provoking dialogue amongst the professional HR guests -  really does shine a light on the humanity of an industry and its professionals that most people tend to dismiss or just not think of at all.

Kudos to the host for his honest, deep diving and eloquent look at an industry that most of us would never had thought of to look behind that curtain.

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The Accidental Occupation

Contact Us


Regardless of the service(s) you require from High Road, your experience will be the same; responsive, transparent, and authentic with no ambiguity.


All billing is by the hour and your itemized invoices are straightforward and clear.  We’ll account for every minute of our work using our unique, Activity Based Pricing model.

Email & Phone:


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